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Make-up Classes

At BDT, our school year tuition is based on 9 months of classes. Each year, based on the calendar, there are days of the week that have extra classes built in. If an "extra" class is cancelled, BDT is not required to make that class up. BDT makes up all classes that have been cancelled due to weather conditions or if a teacher is unable to attend class. These classes will be made up in the following ways:

  1. If classes are cancelled and there are alternative classes offered at that studio location, students will have the opportunity to take another class of the same genre as a make up. The class must be either at or below the student's current level.

  2. Students may take class at another studio location or on another day/time in order to make up a class. The class must be either at or below the student's current level.

  3. If there are no alternative classes available within the studio, BDT will make up the class by scheduling time on a weekend or during a school vacation week.


Berkshire Dance Theatre (BDT) is a non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of dance and other performing arts. BDT provides beginning, intermediate and advanced students the opportunity to improve their technical and artistic skills in dance and related arts, and fosters public awareness and interest in dance and other performing activities.

46 Howland Ave

Adams, Massachusetts 01220

66 School St

Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267

44 Gypsy Lane

Bennington, Vermont 0520

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