Foundational Classes for Young Children
Our classes for children ages 3-7 provide a strong foundation for future work in dance. They teach appropriate classroom behavior, while helping students gain self-confidence, independence and a basic knowledge of dance movement.
Dance Introduction
Designed for: new students ages 3 & 4
Class length: 45 minutes
Class description: For many children, this is his or her first introduction to a teacher/student relationship. In Dance Introduction, our youngest students learn basic movement skills while enjoying songs and games. Musical instruments, tumbling mats, and a variety of props and costumes are used to help reinforce these skills. More importantly, students learn how to be in a class, how to work in a group, wait their turn, listen to directions, share with others, etc. In this class, we give children the freedom to develop these skills according to their individual readiness, while they are encouraged to participate in class activities. Requirements: Students must be toilet-trained to participate in class.
Examples of activities: pointe/flex the feet, stretching, turning, follow the leader, counting, plies (bend knees), marching, sautes (jumps), chasse (gallops), use of props, walking & running on the balls of feet, stories, games, poems & songs
Creative Movement
Designed for: new students age 5 & qualified returning students
Class length: 45 minutes
Class description: This class is geared for age appropriate enjoyment while developing dance concepts. The Creative Movement program continues to build on program elements and skills from Dance Introduction. This class works to develop the students' understanding of rhythm, advance motor skills and coordination, and improve self-esteem and confidence. Longer activities and exercises are used to aid in building a longer attention span. Tap is introduced in January to enhance rhythmic development.
Examples of activities: fast & slow movements, high & low, walking/running on balls of feet, chasses (gallops), skips, balance on one leg, sautes (jumps) - in & out/2 feet & 1 foot, emotional expression, dance with props, animal character development, dance counts & musicality